YouTube Security


You could lose your YouTube Channel!

I want to teach you how hackers are targeting YouTube Creators so you can protect Channel and your income!

Simply enter your email and get started with my FREE 5-Day Security Training:

    Liron Segev - Made On YouTube
    Liron Segev -
    YouTube Security Specialist

    In the training will show you:

    Is it really Free? yup!

    100% Free - No Credit Card - No Catch

    Just look at the tweets sent to YouTube and see how many Creators are getting hacked...

    I got hacked tweets to youtube

    Don't wait until its too late and you are on this list

    Learn from a YouTube Security Specialist

    My name is Liron Segev.

    I am a YouTube Security Specialist having worked with some of the largest Creators on the platform. 

    I regularly speak at Creators events such as VidCon and VidSummit helping Creators not get hacked!

    My own YouTube Channel has over 1 million subs where I help my viewers understand Privacy and Security, and not fall victims to scams.

    I want to help you too!

    My mission is to help my fellow YouTube Creators protect their Channels and not lose their income!

    Liron Segev speaking about Security at VidSummit

    Growing your channel is HARD.
    Protecting it is EASY

    © copyright Security For Creators - [email protected]